Computer and printer
Crafts foam
1j'2x13ยป4-inch piece of
1-inch-thick pine board
Crafts glue
To make
a letter stamp, use
your computer and printer to
print letters in a variety of fonts
and sizes up to 21
/4 inches tall.
Transfer the letters onto crafts
foam and carefully cut out.
Apply a thick coat of crafts glue
to one side of the pine. Arrange
a letter front side down onto the
wet glue. Let dry.
opposite, top right
and on
page 143.
Two colors of silk fabric
Colored stamp pad
Needle and sewing thread
Matching broadcloth
Computer and printer
Two 6-inch-squares of
paper-backed fusible web
the desired
finished length of your table
runner; subtract 4 inches. Use
this measurement to cut an
1 1
-inch-wide center section
from one silk fabric and two
-inch-wide side border strips
from the second silk fabric. Also
cut two 31/2Xl6//2-inch end border
strips from the second fabric.
letter stamps
following the All-Purpose Letter
Stamp directions above.
the stamp and ink on a
scrap first, and then stamp the
letter images on the side and end
border strips. Repeat the stamp
as many times as necessary to
completely cover each strip. Let
the ink dry.
W ith
right sides together, sew
a side border strip to each long
edge of the center section with a
Vi-inch seam allowance. Press
the seam allowances away from
the center section. Sew an end
border strip to each short edge.
Press the seam allowances
toward the border strips.
the pieced front as a
pattern to cut a matching shape
from the broadcloth for the back.
With right sides together, sew
the front to the back with a
Vi-inch seam allowance, leaving
a 3-inch opening on one side.
Trim the seams and corners.
Turn the table runner right side
out and press. Slip-stitch the
opening closed.
the monogram, use your
computer and printer to print a
4-inch-tall letter; cut out the
letter. Fuse a square of web to
the back of a 6-inch-square of
silk, following the manufacturer's
instructions. Place the letter right
side down on the paper backing.
Trace around the letter and cut
out. Remove the paper backing.
Position the letter, web side
down, centered on one end of
the table runner about 1 inch
from the end border; fuse.
Repeat for the opposite end.
opposite, middle right
and on
page 143.
Two colors of silk fabric
Needle and sewing thread
Paper-backed ^-inch-wide
fusible-web tape
234-inch beaded tassel
Sew-in craft-weight interfacing
Iron-on crystal letter
Hook-and-loop sticky dots
the distance around
the slats on the chair back; add
6 inches. Use this measurement
to cut two
-inch-wide strips
from one of the silk fabrics for
the center section and two
lVi-inch-wide strips from the
second for the borders.
one 31
/2-inch-wide cen-
ter-section strip on the other
with wrong sides together. Press
under Vi inch on one long edge
of the lVi-inch-wide border strip.
With right sides facing, use a
Vi-inch seam allowance to sew
the opposite edge of the border
strip to one long edge of the
layered center section. Press
all seam allowances away
from the center section. Apply
fusible-web tape over the
pressed edge of the strip,
following the manufacturer's
instructions. Remove the paper
backing. Fold the pressed
edge to the back of the center
section, covering the machine
stitching; fuse. Repeat on the
opposite edge.
under Vi inch twice on
one short edge of the chair
wrap; slip-stitch in place. To
shape the point, press under
Vi inch on the remaining short
edge and bring the corners up
to meet on the back, creating a
V shape; press. Position the
tassel at the point, tucking
the hanging loop between the
fabric layers. Slip-stitch the edges
together and to the back of
the wrap, securing the tassel
in the stitching.
the crystal letter to the
front of the wrap 2 inches above
the point. Position the wrap
around the chair back and
apply hook-and-loop sticky dots
to secure.
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